Closure Of Centenary Celebration
St. Aloysius High School, proudly celebrated 100 years! The year long centenary celebrations ended with a two day extravaganza of drama, music and dance on the 29th January,2011 and a repeat performance on 30th January, 2011. It was a great weekend – students, ex-students, parents, staff, parishioners and well-wishers were all there to cheer each other for a job well done!
Bishop Bosco Penha was the Chief Guest on saturday. The programme started with Release of First Day Postal cover and cancellation by Shri.B.Chandrasekhar, Post Master General, Mumbai region.
The students of the school – 540 of them – performed with pride on stage! Rt. Rev. Rocky D’Souza was the Chief Guest on Sunday. Cheers all around for the great performance by the students of our school..and the very best for the bright
St. Aloysius – you rock!