SAHS badge

The New Motto and Badge
As St Aloysius High School approaches its centenary year (1910) it is happy to introduce a new motto and badge that embodies change and continuity with the former one.

The Motto
The former motto ‘Per Ardua ad Astra’ (Latin) was translated as
‘Through Hard Work to the Stars’. The spirit of the old motto is retained in the new one: ‘EXCELLENCE THROUGH ENDEAVOUR’

The Badge
The former badge had a depiction of stars which illustrated the former motto: ‘Through hard work to the stars’. It also had an illustration of a lily which is a symbol of St Aloysius, the patron of this school.

In the new badge we have change with continuity. In the lower section we have an illustration of two students reaching for a star, a powerful symbol of striving for excellence. ‘Reach for the stars’ is a popular slogan which echoes the words of a very inspiring song ‘To dream the impossible dream … to reach the unreachable star.’

In the left section of the new badge we have symbols of academic subjects and in the right section we have symbols of athletics, games, music and art. It is only through endeavour or effort in studies and other areas of human activity that our students can achieve excellence.

The map of India, our motherland, will remind our students of the wisdom and values of our great nation, instill in them a sense of patriotism and inspire them to work with determination and dedication so that India achieves excellence in many fields.

May St Aloysius High School, backed by the experience of a hundred years, encourage its students to reach greater heights, to reach the unreachable star